Debbie’s role is to ensure our lawyers have efficient and cost-effective access to legal and business information through the provision of a range of online and printed resources. She provides for the effective exploitation of those resources through guidance and training, she assists lawyers and practice groups with legal and business research, and she provides current awareness services.
Debbie has expertise in contract negotiation; supplier relationships; controlling budgets; conducting legal information research; efficient exploitation of online services including Practical Law / Westlaw / LexisNexis, developed in nearly 30 years at the firm. She has also worked at Forsyte Kerman; Linklaters and the UCL Law Library.
Debbie studied for post-graduate qualifications in library and information management and in law. She is a member of CILIP (the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) as well as BIALL (British and Irish Association of Law Librarians) and CLIG (City Legal Information Group).