
09 November 2023

Ofcom publishes first code of practice in relation to the Online Safety Act

Ofcom has today published the first of four consultations on the long awaited codes of practice in relation to the new the Online Safety Act, which was signed into law a week ago. Under the Act, providers of online services…

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06 November 2023

Dispute Resolution in the Metaverse

The metaverse as an immersive digital world where users can live, socialise, work and play is an exciting advancement. But, just as disputes arise in ordinary life and business, disputes arise in the metaverse. The question is, will your metaverse…

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27 September 2023

Court agrees limited publication is no bar to privacy injunction

The recent judgment of Mr Justice Ritchie in JRV & Anor v BRG [2023] EWHC 2238 (KB) granting an interim injunction to restrain details of an extra-marital affair from being published is another helpful decision on the issue of public…

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26 September 2023

Digital assets: impact of Law Commission report on causes of action and remedies

In late June 2023, the Law Commission released their Digital Assets Final Report. As previously reported, the key takeaway is that the Law Commission stands by the notion of a “third category” of personal property which would cover digital assets,…

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24 September 2023

Incoming: the new Video Games Expenditure Credit (VGEC)

In March this year, the UK Government announced the introduction of the Video Games Expenditure Credit (“VGEC”). This will come into force on 1 April 2024 and will eventually replace the current Video Games Tax Relief (“VGTR”). What is the…

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24 September 2023

Children’s online safety concerns continues to fuel regulator appetite for enforcement action

The safety and privacy of children online continues to be the focus for regulators in the EU and UK. In this article, we look at the latest from the data protection regulators, what we may expect from other regulators in…

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21 September 2023

The UK Government bridges the gap for UK-US personal data transfers

Yesterday, the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology announced that from 12 October 2023, UK organisations can transfer personal data to US organisations certified under the "UK Extension to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework" without the need for additional safeguards…

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20 September 2023

Charity Commission publishes new guidance on use of social media

The Charity Commission has published new guidance to help charities navigate the risks of using social media, which will be of relevance to all charities with an online presence.  The guidance acknowledges that charities can engage in emotive topics online…

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19 September 2023

Houses of Parliament sign off the Online Safety Bill

The long awaited Online Safety Bill has been signed off by both Houses of Parliament. The Bill has had a difficult road littered with bolt-ons, amendments and U-turns, and at this point it has already outlived four British Prime Ministers.…

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18 September 2023

How brands can adopt generative AI and avoid disputes

Managing associate Lizzie Williams has written an article for The Fashion Law on "how brands can adopt generative AI and avoid disputes". The article sets out important points for brands to consider when integrating AI into their business which are…

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